IHMVCU gives back
Our community is our passion.
Not just your community.
It's ours, too!
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IHMVCU is not just your ordinary financial institution. We’re bursting with passion for important issues, exciting ideas and lending a hand to our amazing community organizations. Our mission is to be the best partner in the communities we serve. Each year, IHMVCU provides resources—both through monetary donations and staff support—in areas where there are significant gaps in services. We’re here to make a real difference.
We prioritize three areas for ongoing support.
As a member-owned credit union, we know we’re stronger together. That’s why we invest in efforts that strengthen our communities. Our charitable priorities focus on:
- Human Services
- Military
- Youth & Education
We support our local organizations
We're a proud supporter of Birdies for Charity
Let us help you make a difference.
If your organization needs assistance and supports one of IHMVCU’s three areas of focus listed above, please fill out the appropriate request form below. Requests for community funding & donations will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Typical awards range from $500 to $2,500.
If you are seeking a sponsorship, monetary donation, or raffle item, please submit the form below:

Helpful hints
As a not-for-profit cooperative, IHMVCU has a limited annual budget to distribute across many wonderful charitable organizations located in our 49-county membership field. We encourage you to consider these helpful hints prior to submitting your request.
- All requests for support must be accompanied by the Request for Community Funding form below. Requests must be submitted 60 days prior to the event to be considered. If a request does not have a Request for Community Funding form, it will not be considered. All requests must be submitted digitally. Verbal, paper and mailed requests will not be accepted.
- Requests are reviewed monthly. All requests will be acknowledged by phone or email within 30 days.
- If your request includes recognition leading up to a special event, we’ll factor how much time remains before the event occurs into our consideration.
- If you would like IHMVCU to support your organization in multiple ways/events in one calendar year, please consolidate your requests into one submission.
Please note, the credit union will not grant funds to:
- Activities, groups, or events not in the IHMVCU 49-county membership field
- National organizations, unless their programs have significant local impact
- Religious or sectarian organizations
- Political organizations or candidates
- Purposes that benefit only one individual's participation in an event or activity
IHMVCU will make every effort to process your request in a timely manner. A decision to deny a request does not imply that the organization’s program is not needed or worthy, but simply that it does not fall within our Community Funding guidelines or priorities, or that funds are not available.