Easy money

Earning 4.00% APY* on balances up to $15,000** is easy. Just open a CashBooster spending account and sign up for eStatements. That’s it. Easy money.
- No minimum balance to earn dividends
- No monthly fee
- Free debit card
- Up to $25 in ATM rebates
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate valid as of 09/18/23; subject to change after the account is opened. Must have email and eStatements to earn qualified rate on balances up to $15,000 & ATM fee refunds (up to $25/mo), otherwise non-qualifying rate applies.**Balances over $15,000 will earn 0.15% APY. Retail accounts only. Member savings account required to establish membership.
1. Fill out the form below
2. We'll email you a link to the application (& we'll give you a link on this page)
3. Once you fill out the application, a team member will call you (plan to chat for 10 minutes)
4. Your account will be ready to go